Last week I had this lens for a test, so I had some fun with it. I took a few funny portraits of my friends. I'm going to get it back soon, together with Canon 1Ds, so I'll do serious tests later. I'm not sure how serious, because I'm not sure what you can shoot besides photos of skateboarders and funny portraits, which I already did. I heard it's also usable for astrophotography and for paragliders (if they shoot during the flight, they really get everything in the picture). And ofcourse for panoramas.
All the photos are taken in a bar at ISO 400-1250 (800 pushed for 2/3 stops):
Shot wide open at f3,5 and ISO 1250 (800+2/3 stops in Rawshooter). As you can see, sharpness in the center is excellent.
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ta zadeva mi je zelo cool - objektiv. Všeč mi je kakšne slike dela. Kolk časa se pa že ukvarjaš s tem, ker sm šele začetnik in me to zelo zanima , sam zaradi cen vseh teh zadev morm še enkrat premislt a bi se spustu v to ali ne ...
Jst se s tem ukvarjam 2,5 leta. Poglej še malo v smer Sigme 10-20, ki ima širšo uporabnost, pa tudi linearna je (nima fisheye popačenja). Ta objektiv je zelo specifičen, ko obrežeš vinjeto, pa dobiš manj širok kot kot pri Sigmi 10-20. Pa še dražji je. Sigma 10-20 je pa odlična (vsaj kopija ki sem jo testiral je bila nora).
Bo kmalu tudi test sigme 10-20 čez kakšne pol meseca pomoje (sicer sem ga naredil že pred 2mi mesci), zdaj mam še druge objektive za testirat...
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