Sunday, January 28, 2007 bowling party threw a party for it's 4th anniversary party tonight. We split into 3 teams of five players. A few of us was ofcourse busy taking photos between the rounds (after all it's a photo site anniversary). I wont bore you with text this time (besides that a bunch of people are waiting for the photos to be posted), let's get straight to the photos.

The only gal at the party

He really likes me:)

Again the only girl at the party, this time a bit more naughty:P

Doin' his thang

And another got in front of him

Finally someone took a photo of me:)


maja said...

hude fotke Peter, hude! :)


Pero said...

Tnx Maja!

A boš tut ti začela bloggat? Pomoje bi mela ti ogromno materiala, že po službeni dolžnosti imaš velik stvari za fotkat.
Pomoje bi ti bil zanimiv fotokajev blog (maš med povezavami), no on je sicer fotograf (ne fotoreporter), ampak pomoje ti ne fotkaš bistveno manj...Kar hočem rečt je to, da bi loh mela kej v tem stilu, preplet aktualnih fotk, arhiva in fotk k jih delaš samo zase.

maja said...

hehe... po moje mojih umotvorov ne bi nihče bral. :) no, bom razmislila.