Monday, May 21, 2007

A few more 85L snapshots

I don't know why, but I like those photos in a strange way - as snapshots ofcourse. The first and main reason why I'm posting is, because I figured out you don't respond well to solely textual posts. I can understand why, after all this is a photo blog. So let's get down to it.

Yeah, that's me muthafuckaz (foto: Nikolaj Lukež). ISO 800+ 2 stops in rawshooter. Yeah baby, it's a Canon (check the post before this one, LOL):

Min dof+bokeh showoff


Aljo said...

zakaj imaš zdej tok kratko frizurco :D hehe


Marta L. said...

Peter, še en poziv: zamenjaj fotko v profilu s tole - sej tuki si pa čist hud ... ;)

Pero said...

Zdj te pa že morem ubogat Marta:).

Marta L. said...

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees ;) now, that's much better!!

p.s. poglej na moj blogec, upam da ne zameriš, ampak ugotovila sem, da imam fuuuul podobno fotkico kot ti (hihi;)
upam da ne zameriš ...

Pero said...

Ne morem še zamerit, ker je ne najdem (ni v profilu, ni med avtoportreti...kje za vraga je?:).

Marta L. said...

That's a good one (joke, i mean;))

Gregor Harih said...

Haha. Prva je carska - jebach. ;))))

akis said...

nice blog peter

take a walk here