Wednesday, May 2, 2007


A day with 85L and a model:D. Most of the shots are taken at ISO 800, since I noticed that when I was half way through the session. It was cloudy and I didn't find it weird to have such high shutter speeds, because I got used to having them at f1.2 (the first day I couldn't believe the difference and was checking ISO settings too). Ok it doesn't matter for web size anyway. You can still check the bokeh, colours, DOF and sharpness. But I feel a bit stupid nevertheless...

Ok, here are the photos, all of them straight out of rawshooter and all of them, except for the first one, are taken at f1.2:

EDIT: I've just done a few minor adjustments to this one...

A kiss for all my readers. Contrast is untouched. Colours are so saturated, that I add much less contrast in Rawshooter (shadow contrast also boosts colours), than with my 85 1.8, not to mention the 50 1.8, which has completely "washed" coulours compared to both 85's especially the L version.

f1.2, ISO 100+1 stop in rawshooter,1/2000

100% crop


Lenart Senica said...

aha, CA muči tud 85L.
sicer pa wooh

Gregor Harih said...

Haha. Legenda je, če pozabiš na ISO. Meni se je že dostkrat zgodlo, da sem šel fotkat kaj v naravo pa se čudil, da kljub polarizatorju in blendi F16 dobim čase po tridesetinko in manj. Ko že pol kartice pofotkaš ugotoviš, da si bil včeraj na koncertu in si fotkal z ISO 1600.
Škoda, da nisi melna ISO 3200, bi bil vsaj Lenyn style. :))))

Pero said...

Hehe ja. Samo men se ni čudno zdelo ravno zato ker sem se že prvi dan načudil noro kratkim časom, ki so posledica 1.2 blende. Na soncu itak sploh ne moreš fotkat ponavadi, če je pa rahla oblačnost imaš pa tam od 1/1000 do 1/3200, Vleraj je bila pa že kar precej oblačno, pa še fotkal sm tam od pol sedmih do pol osmih nekje...No ja, vsaj fotke za test (izreze) sem potem naredil na ISO 100.

3200 ISo pa moj kinder jajček itak nima...Pa itak ne grem čez ISO 800 nikoli, ker me potem že moti šum (vsaj to ali pa morda škoda, ker na ISO 1600 bi bili pa časi potem že skoraj vedno 1/4000 ali čez na f1.2 in bi videl da je nekaj narobe in prej prestavil).

RokoR said...

ej men se prav zarad koncertov to dogaja naslednje dni:) je glih taka situacija da ne pomislim in evo.. gre serija u kurac

Aleš Štebe said...

jao kok so očke ostre
pa govorim o 100% cropu
to pa je mašinca =)
