Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Visual interpretation of DOF

DOF as in depth of field. To me the most important aspect of the technical part of photography. Even more important than bokeh and sharpness. That's why I love primes. And that's why I'll use primes 'till I die. Zooms are just necessary evil, I avoid using them whenever possible.

Visual interpretation of DOF taken with 350D and 85L II at f1.4 (enlarge it!):


Lenart Senica said...

pero, a maš šolo min dof fotografije?
enkrat poleti bi pa lahk res par min dofov nažgal, še z makro objektivom, tam je dofa še manj:D

Pero said...

Hehe, če bi blo zanimanje bi res loh mel en tečaj:D.

Ja pr makru ga je manj, samo to je drug svet in tam ima vsak lahko (ne da ga iam lahko, ga ima, ker drugače ne gre) min dof - zgubi ves čar hehe.

Lenart Senica said...

Tečaj MIN DOF fotografije.
Predavatelj: Peter Bernik.
Pogoj: Minimalna zaslonka objektiva - f/1.8 :DD

hec, hec..
ma, spet smetim