Saturday, August 11, 2007

Moving up to the next blogging level

I've decided to make step up and move my blog on an independent server in the near future and it's going to be wordpress based. That also means I'm going to buy my own domain name. Why have I made a decision like that, you ask? Because I want my blog to look better, to provide a good user experience in not so many words, to make it more pleasant and professional.

The second reason to do it, is to increase my ad revenues. I've been doing pretty well so far, I've earned enough in the past 8 months to buy me a 30D (which I intend to buy in a month or so). With all the improvements I hope to gain on traffic, which leads to more cliks on the ads, that are displayed on my site, which ofcourse leads to higher revenues. I'll try adding a few ad networks and/or affiliate programs. Because like the Dot com mogul John Chow says, monetizing of a blog is way more than slapping on a couple of google ads. That's just the beginning.

When the migration to a url will be complete, I'll try to automatically redirect visitors to my new site. That way you won't have any trouble finding it, or following the links. And I'll still get traffic from numerous sites that are linking to my blog.


Anonymous said...

A to boš meu tko tut spletno stran. Na isti princip kot C?

Drugače pa tudi jaz razmišljam o takem blogu, da bi odkupil domeno ;) Ampak ne razmišljam še resno

Pero said...

Ne, ne. S stranjo se mi ne da ubadat, pa sj mam portfolie na raznih straneh (kar seveda ni isto). Mi je blog nekako najbolši način predstavitve, interaktiven, dvosmeren in tudi najboljša varianta za zaslužit pomoje.

Gašper Trampuš said...

samo o denarju razmišlate ... hehe

Anonymous said...

Edino pravilno.... :P

Aja pa še to, kako boš pa preusmeril na nov blog, da ti ne bo treba skoz dajat linke?

Pero said...

Hakan, to bo pa treba še pogruntat hehe (če se sploh da na bloggerju).

Anonymous said...

Super ti ratuje, ni kaj. Tudi sam sem se lotil in uredil lasten blog, dizajn na wordpressu. Upajmo, da bom nekdaj vsaj pol toliko uspesen kot ti :D

Bom pa se malo pocakal z adsense. Pa se registrirati se moram.

Pero said...

Zanimiv, clean design - všečno. Če rabiš kakšne hude plug-ine, sem ti na razpolago.

BTW, sam pa upam da bom vsaj pol toliko uspešen kot je npr. John Chow hehe. Trenutno mi je on "vzor" in nekako najbolj sledim njegovim napotkom itd. On pa zasluži 12k+ $ na mesec z blogom hehe, da ne omenjam da ima ad network in še par strani (vem sicer samo za eno).

Anonymous said...

Vsekakor se javim, zdaj bo treba najprej kaksno vsebino dodat ;) Potem se pa priporočam za kakšne napotke.

Sicer sam ne ciljam tako visoko, se pa kakšnih par 100$ mesečno ne bi branill :D

Drugače pa tudi obratno če rabiš prostor ali domeno, vse kar si videl je na lastnem strežniku lociran v MB na amisu.

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