Thursday, June 28, 2007


About this shot. I can't make up my mind. One of those, that I can't put my finger on: is it good or bad...

What do you think? Please be honest, hypocrisy won't get me anywhere.


Anonymous said...

I really like this image. My attention goes directly to her eye. I like the fact that only one eye if visible. I makes me wonder if it would be better if both eyes are visible but the fact that it makes me think is what makes this image sucessful. I do think, however, that I would like it better if there was more light on her face though. I like the fact that her breasts are visible but blurred. It is way to easy to highlight a woman's breasts in attempt to achieve an eye pleasing image. Very intriguing!

Anonymous said...

ok, model nad mano pravi, da mu oko
takoj privleče pozornost. men pa prvo privleče pozornost una čudna luknja
na nosu al kaj je tist + nos zgleda
totalno kriv oziroma deformiran.
meni ni všeč.

jaka said...

se strinjam z anonimusom

world :: within said...

Sama kompozicija mi je kr uredu, škoda se mi zdi blurane obrvi in tiste ponesrečene osvetljitve na nosu, ki ga napihne..

Pa lep pozdrav+

Pero said...

Thank you all! I still hope to get more of your opinions, thoughts and suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Tamle ob nosu ji malo potemni zadevo, da bo zgledalo kot koža, ne kot deformiran nos. Vse ostalo na sliki se mi zdi ok. Zmotijo me le še lasje ob strani.

Če imaš voljo popravljat potem popravi, drugače bi pa raje rekel ne :)

Anonymous said...

Pogrešam samo več ostrine na obrazu.. meni se zdi da je oko center pozornosti.. nos me ne moti... aja pa malenkost svetlejša bi lah bla.. drugač mi je pa ušeč

Aljo said...

nič posebnega, sploh tisto z nosom ni v ponos.

portret kot portret, lepa postavitev, štima...
pa lahko bi bila malo svetlejša, kot je povedal Klemen