Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lensbaby 3G

I got it yesterday for a 10 day tryout. It's a very nice little lens, with a single glass element and a simple construction. One can be very creative with it. It also takes quite some time to get familiar with the focusing and sweet spot adjusting. I was practising today during coffee time, while I managed to get a few snapshots in focus, most were still OOF. And I thought MF lenses were tricky to use:). I still have a week to go, so I think I'll master the basics during that period and make a few interesting, if not creative, then at least abstract shots.

Both samples are taken at f2. Please overlook the colour imbalance, since it's not important for this samples:

It's sweet to be able to adjust the sweet spot:). But bokeh is awful:

3G is basically a 2G with a focus locking mechanism, which I don't find very useful for people shots. But it sure is useful for still art etc, when you have the time to lock and then fine focus/fine tune the sweet spot. If I was buying it, I'd probably go for the 2G version which is also around 50% cheaper.


OLKI said...

krasna igrača ni kaj, le izkoristi jo. Bokeh pa je krasen hahah, ne pa awful...

Aljo said...

bokeh me spominja na kakega heliosa 50mm f/2 ... podobno sranje.

jaz sem imel v rokah 2G, pa se mi je zdela neostra vse do f/8 (res pa je, da sem uporabljal le 10 minut) prva fotka pa je še kar ostra.

P.S.: kako se ti dopade D2Xs (če mi mozilla prav bere lastnosti), hehe (malo heca)

sam trenutno nimam nobenih modelov, vsi so nekje na morju... čakam na boljše čase :)


Pero said...

Pomoje je res to da si uporabljal premalo časa, ker kot vidiš je ostra že pri f2, optika je pa itak enaka v obeh. Traja, da se navadiš, v desetih minutah res ne moreš nič pametnega posneti, razen če si res talent za take scene - vem ker sem na photokini malo probaval na štantu in ni ratalo nič...

Glede D2Xs. Veliko raje uporabljam D200, samo je trenutno na dopustu. Ne maram ceglev, resolucijska prednost je brezvezna in se je težko izkoristi (koliko je sploh lensev, ki prenesejo tako resolucijo?), poleg tega se veliko bolje obnaša kar se šuma tiče. Hitrejšega AF itak en rabim, drugih prednosti D2Xs pa med uporabo nisem opazil.

Ja jst pa mam session ta vikend, pa še z eno se menim za naprej;). Samo ne prekmalu, session na 1-2 meseca je ravno prav. Sicer pa itak pritiskam parkrat tedensko stvari, ki me ponavadi ne interesirajo...

Aljo said...

glede pritiskanja je zame podobno (no vsaj posaja)...

bom pogledal fotke iz tvojega sešna ;)

ajd uživej

Anonymous said...

Ze en cas spremljam tvoj blog in pomoje se nisem uspel nic komentirat. Pa naj to bo prvic :D

fotke imas za moje pojme super, sicer pa je podobn respond tudi od drugih, ki bolj obvladajo vse skupaj.

Sem pa opazil tale test lensbaby lec, ki so me en cas nazaj kr mal zamikale. Ampak zaenkrat bom se pocakal, da se v klasiki bolj zverziram. In seveda pricakujem se kaksno zanimivo fotko.