I'm wondering for quite some time about that. Yeah I know, it should be a promotion for the photographer yada, yada...But can you really get noticed out of that countless exhibitions that are taking place around Slovenia? And with all the photo galleries and photoblogs that you can find on the web?!
A lot of people said I should have my own, independent exhibition. But I've never been fond of the idea. I'm not 100% sure why. Probably because, as you can see, I can't see the full promotional potential in it and on the other hand also because it's quite a project just organising it. You usually have to pay for all the expanses as well (prints, frames, food&drinks...).
Besides that, a decision about which photos are going to be on exhibition and also why, has to be made. What do you want to show people with them. Usually you come out with more than just one option, then you have to decide what's best to show people. I think that's more important than just showing your best photos.
I did participate on a few collective exhibitions and none of them, except one brought me promotion. The one that did, was the exhibition of the best polet covers. This was my last polet cover and also the last polet cover with a nude photo on it. And the only photo that was published on the cover twice. Ok, now we got to the part that brought me some promotion, that was (besides a few photo of me in the newspapers and on the TV) the article about the exhibition and the photo of the polet editor standing besides my photograph, which most of the people liked best.
But is this somehow measurable? I know quite a few photographers that are about my age or younger that had an independent exhibition or two. I don't think any of them got any real promotion, benefit of their exhibitions.
I'm going to wrap it up now. It's not a problem of organisation for me. I already talked about that around six month ago with an owner of a nice, with a tweak or two suitable for exhibitions, pub. Money is not an object as well. It's just that I don't see a clear benefit for me. I think I get more promotion from publishing my photos on magazine covers (and I get some promotion for publishing my photos on the web and in various magazines as well).
So tell me, what do you think about it? Are the exhibitions worth while, generally (for you, me, other photographers...)?
I really want to read your thoughts on that...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
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poskusit ni greh, lahko da bo tak ko si reko al pa pa boš dobil odlično ponudbo. več ko nekaj € nemoreš izgubit
Če ni to blazen strošek, pomoje nimaš kaj zgubit, kvečjemu dobit. Po drugi strani dobiš tudi v živo kakšen feedback.
Osebno si želim kdaj tudi to poskusit, ampak bo treba še lep čas prtiskat na sprožilec, preden bom zrel za kaj takega. Mislim, da tvoji portreti čist lepo sodijo v kakšno galerjo, sploh serije.
Hmm, jaz imam zase povsem jasen odgovor... Jaz in tudi moji kolegi organiziramo foto razstavo iz enostavnega razloga... Da se zbere lepa druščina kolegov in kolegic, ko potem ob prijetni glasbi in žlahktni kapljici klepeta, reče kako o fotkah in potem nadaljuje žur še kje drugje... Z eno besedo...Druženje! In ravno iz tega razloga mislim naresti še eno razstavo in žur v septembru preden odletim v London...Da se še 1x vse zberemo in kako rečemo... Upam, da tud ti uletiš... Lp
Tnx za mnenja!
sekundek: material ni problem, pa saj konec koncev ima razstavo lahko vsak, ne glede na kvaliteto fotk (vsaj polovica razstav je na precej nizkem nivoju), samo da dobi prostor. Vem, da bi sam lahko nabral za eno kvalitetno serijo. Samo...ne vem, bomo videli hehe.
matjaž: no to pa je razumen razlog. To je vsekakor to. Neke blazne promocije (kar naj bi po mojem bil glavni razlog za razstave) pa ni. Oz je ni sploh, razen če je stvar res nekaj ekstra, od fotk, do organizacije, gostov, medijske pokritosti. Danes je pač vsega preveč!
Iz takega razloga kot ti prirejaš razstave oz si eden od razstavljalcev pa je vsekakor vredno narediti razstavo. Čisto tako nesebično, uživaško in družabno. To je to.
Seveda da pridem, le obvesti kdaj bo (na blogu, saj ga itak redno spremljam).
pa če bo kaka razstava upam da bo tudi v Mariboru da si jo bom tudi jaz lahko ogledal ;)
Le naredi razstavo ;) pridem 99%:D
;) Matjaz mi je pa dodal se tisto kar sem mislil dodat, pa sem prehitro objavil :D
peter, ne vidis promocije v razstavi? Pol pa res ni razloga, da bi jo delal. Jasno je, da mora biti razstava na nivoju: fotke, plac, organizacija. Ce imas to + dobro promocijo razstave, ni vrag, da ne bi to bila dobra promocija tudi zate (razen ce si razstavo ogledas ti, plus nekaj tvojih frendov). Ne se zanasat na web in bloganje: to je cheap.
Zakaj pa ne:)
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